The hypothesis of the biologist from MIT and Harvard on the NYT: “Covid-19 spread from the Wuhan laboratory”

THE New York Times revives the hypothesis according to which the Sars-Cov-2 virus was created in the laboratory. That of Wuhan, China. “If that were the case, it would be the costliest accident in the history of science,” writes molecular biologist Alina Chan of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard, in an editorial in the New York Times. “The virus that caused the Covid-19 pandemic appeared in Wuhan, the city where the world's most important laboratory for Sars-like viruses is located,” explains Chan. According to which “the year before the pandemic, the Wuhan institute, in collaboration with EcoHealth Alliance (an American scientific organization funded to the tune of 80 million dollars by the American government) and the epidemiologist from the University of Carolina Nord Ralph Baric, had proposed the creation of viruses with the distinctive characteristics of Sars-CoV-2.

The role of the United States

This proposal, in fact, outlined a plan to “create viruses strikingly similar” to Covid, Chan points out. Stressing that “American partners probably knew only a fraction of the research carried out in Wuhan. According to sources from intelligence Americans, some of the institute's research has been classified or conducted with or for the Chinese military. » Furthermore, according to the molecular biologist, the security levels of the Wuhan laboratory were very low. “He carried out the work under low biosecurity conditions that could not have contained an airborne virus as contagious as Sars-CoV-2,” Chan further observes, noting that “the hypothesis that the Covid-19 is believed to have come from an animal in the Wuhan seafood market is not supported by strong evidence. It still lacks “the clear evidence that would be expected if the virus arose from the wildlife trade,” Chan concludes, calling on the United States to investigate thoroughly.

Fauci's House hearing

Yesterday, Tuesday June 4, immunologist Anthony Fauci was heard – during a hearing in the House – accused by the Republicans of having tried to hide the origins of the Covid 19 pandemic “The accusation according to which I tried to hide the virus hypothesis. could come from a mutation created in the laboratory. The opposite is true: In an email sent on February 12, 2020, I requested clarification and reporting to the appropriate authorities,” Fauci told the House. A GOP-led subcommittee passed more than a year investigating the country's response to the pandemic and whether U.S.-funded research in China may have played a role in its creation Yet he found no evidence linking Fauci to any. wrongdoing This would rule out that – like the. New York Times – there may be responsibilities of other American research institutions.

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