The hug between Meloni and Salvini in the House (after yesterday's absence). Verse from the Pharaoh (IV): “Kiss, kiss” – The video

First the defense of the ally in the House, then the embrace. Giorgia Meloni, after the absence of the leader of the Northern League which did not go unnoticed in the Senate during the debate before the European Council on March 21 and 22, responded to the opposition by highlighting the relationship with Matteo Salvini, then kissing him in the House. deputies. Rumors of discontent within the majority had spread after Salvini's comments on the elections in Russia, the prime minister wanted to close the file with an eloquent gesture. At that moment, the honorable Mauro Del Barba of Italia Viva was speaking and his colleague Davide Faraone, sitting next to him, shouted to the government benches: “Kiss, kiss”, amid the laughter of the deputies.

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