The (divided) Democratic Party is calling on Schlein to run in the European elections, but she has not yet made a decision. Confirmation of Annunziata and Decaro on the list

It remains to be seen whether Elly Schlein will run and in what position on the list for the next European elections. First of all from the secretary of the PD herself, who confirmed to DiMartedì on La7 that she had not yet resolved her reservations: “I'm thinking about it, there is no news yet, it has also been discussed at the secretariat, but I want to see the team first because in a party that is not personal, the first thing is the team.” The only certainty for the moment is the obvious commitment from the Democratic secretary during the electoral campaign: “The leader will always make an effort anyway.”

Shortly before, PD sources revealed to Ansa that the secretariat meeting at the Nazarene had requested a direct commitment for the secretary: “With various nuances, everyone asked the secretariat Elly Schlein to run” in the next European elections. The split, however, would have occurred over the position on the list, whether it was at the top or not: “The proposed formulas are different – ​​say Democratic sources – You take note of it and you think about it”. Before making a final decision, Schlein said that “the general plant will have to be closed.” Above all, it was the Democratic minority which expressed doubts about Schlein's candidacy for the leadership of the Democratic Party and spoke of a “frank and constructive, but nevertheless open, discussion”. In particular, “concerns were raised about the place that Secretary Schlein would occupy on the list”, “which would risk penalizing female candidates”. And then there are “concerns about civic leadership candidacies that would penalize the Democratic Party’s ruling class.”

Lucia Annunziata, for example, could find herself in the sights of the democratic minority, of which Schlein herself announced to Giovanni Floris that she wished to run as head of the list in the South constituency for the European elections. A choice, explained the leader of the PD, “not only because he is a figure of great value as a journalist (a resource unfortunately insufficiently exploited due to the conditions which were not hospitable), but above all for his great knowledge of foreign and international news. policy”.

From the ranks of the Democratic Party comes confirmation of the presence of the mayor of Bari Antonio Decaro in the European elections. Schlein does not intend to take into account the controversy that erupted over the Bari affair, with the dispatch of the Interior Ministry commission to check possible mafia infiltration in the Decaro administration. “His commitment against organized crime speaks for itself,” Schlein says of the mayor of Bari. And on the now famous selfie with those close to boss Capriati, the party secretary considers the matter closed: “It seems to me that it has been clarified that it was taken during a Saint Nicholas party and It happens that a lot of people ask you for a selfie. It happens to everyone. It seems to me that this also happened with other photos of politicians who then had to give explanations: Salvini with an ultra leader , or Meloni with a member of the Spada clan…”.

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