The “confessions” (without corroboration) of Giandavide De Pau: “I killed David Rossi of the MPS”

Giandavide De Pau, charged with triple murder in Rome, asked to hear two police officers during his trial. In fact, while he was in prison for other crimes in 2019, the murderer of Chinese prostitutes confessed to Piero De Lorenzo and Michele Marri the murder of David Rossi, the communications manager of Monte dei Paschi di Siena , who fell from the siege of Piazza Salimbeni. in 2013. De Pau said it all in a statement that no one seems to have read, written today Courier from Rome. Also because the “confessions” have no corroboration outside of his words. “I wasn't with normal people…I was talking…I had my job…I was actually on another planet, with people…i.e. I did everything…I did a service…”, he said.

He allegedly said the same thing to a prostitute: “This man – Jessica Rodriguez Carvajal records – said in front of me, 'I've killed a lot of people. You don't know who I am, I'm a very bad person and do you know why I don't kill you? Because you're like me “I don't know how I'm alive, I don't know either because he didn't kill me.” Now, his lawyer Carmelo Milani wants to see things clearly: “We know that a month after David's death, this person had himself photographed in the company of Senese, a boss who controlled a group of Calabrians: we ask to verify the facts and we say that we are so worried that we don't know anything about it.”

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