The competition for the recruitment of nearly 45,000 teachers is underway

Rehearsals start today competition to recruit 44,654 permanent teachers on common and support posts. “Our goal is to give stability to recruitment, selecting future teachers also based on their teaching skills, and that is why we have anticipated that there will be, in addition to the internshipbefore hiring too a simulated course at the end of the trial period. The competition which opens today and future hiring mark a new stage in the fight against job insecurity and guaranteeing students quality education, by promoting educational continuity, explains the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara.

The written test takes place on a computer station, in the region for which the candidate has submitted an application for participation. Depending on the number of candidates from each region, several morning and afternoon sessions were organized.

Each aspirant will have 100 minutes to answer 50 questions multiple choice non-disciplinary content, including: 10 educational content; 15 psycho-educational content (including aspects relating to inclusion); 15 methodological and didactic content (including aspects relating to evaluation); 5 on knowledge of the English language; 5 on the educational uses of digital technologies. Each correct answer earns 2 points; 0 points are awarded for each incorrect or no answer.

Candidates who have obtained a score of at least 70/100 pass the written test and advance to the oral test.

The oral test must verify the preparation of the candidates both in terms of specific disciplinary profile and in terms of teaching ability.: for this purpose, candidates will have to complete a simulated course. The written test for the nursery and primary school competition will take place in 3 sessions maximum, on Monday 11 (morning and afternoon session) and Tuesday 12 March (morning session). The written test for the college competition will take place in 10 sessions maximum, morning and afternoon, on Wednesday 13, Thursday 14, Friday 15, Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 March.

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