The case of the ghost university halfway between Sicily and Bosnia. The ministry's ruling: “Diplomas have no value”

The diplomas and qualifications issued to students of the University of Gorazde “are devoid of any value and possibility of recognition.” It is through this communication that the Ministry of the University warned the Sicilian-Bosnian pseudo-university “from carrying out any activity that does not comply with university regulations or which could also prove to be misleading advertising towards students”. The matter has been raised in recent days Republic, who interviewed Salvatore Messina, a professor from Palermo who introduced himself as “rector for international activities” of the Italian detachment of the Bosnian University of Gorazde. In the interview, Messina explains that the “Jean Monnet” European studies department, which he heads, operates in agreement with the University of Gorazde, in Bosnia, for Italian courses.

Mur's word

The ministry led by Anna Maria Bernini is now responding to his words. “After a thorough investigation – writes the Wall – it turned out that this institution benefited from the accreditation of the competent Bosnian authorities until September 2023 and that this accreditation ended on September 7, 2023. The Wall never authorized the University of Gorazde to operate in Italy. The result is that qualifications issued to students after graduation cannot be recognized as valid. This is an estimate Republic, of around a hundred doctors practicing health professions, who have until now been unable to register with professional associations. Mohammad Khamis, owner of the Bosnian university, also intervened on the subject, accusing Messina of having used the Gorazde logo without having the authority to be accredited in the eyes of the Italian ministry. The investigation agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sipa, is also investigating this case.

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