The case of the 500 South American migrants to be sent to Italy: Palazzo Chigi denies. What is the “hypothesis of reciprocity” on which the government is working?

The Meloni government firmly rejects rumors circulating about an alleged agreement that Italy has concluded to relocate hundreds of migrants on its national territory. It all started with an indiscretion spread by CBS News regarding an alleged plan by the Joe Biden administration to move Latin American migrants to Greece and Italy in order to discourage Mexican border crossings. This was revealed to the famous American newspaper by two anonymous sources who said they knew the government's plans. Safe Mobility Offices provide an opportunity for some migrants in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Guatemala to apply to legally immigrate to the United States or other countries. And, according to the alleged agreements cited by CBS, Greece and Italy would join Canada and Spain in taking care of some of the migrants processed in these offices.

The Italian government's version and the “hypothesis of reciprocity”

Before long, a political controversy arose, which exploded due to contradictory statements: while CBS News Speaking of an agreement for the reception of 500 refugees by Italy and Greece, Palazzo Chigi returned this version to the sender, putting another on the table. That is to say the ongoing reflection on “a hypothesis of reciprocity” with the United States, which would welcome Libyan refugees wishing to reach Europe, and certain European Mediterranean countries would welcome South American refugees. This hypothesis would imply that Italy would welcome around twenty Venezuelan refugees of Italian origin, with the aim of starting professional careers in the country. But, Palazzo Chigi specifies, this is a project still under study, although potentially “beneficial for Italy and the European countries of first arrival”. The Ministry of the Interior also intervened on the issue, emphasizing its “unavailability” to relocate hundreds of migrants on national territory, citing the efforts already made in terms of reception.

The Greek version

Greece's denials were also immediate, with Greek Immigration Minister Dimitris Kairidis and the country's US ambassador, George Tsunis, both denying the existence of an agreement for the resettlement of regular migrants in Greece . The deputy of the Greens and the Left Alliance, Angelo Bonelli, spoke harshly on the issue and asked the government to clarify, because what emerged from the American indiscretion “transforms Italy into Albania of the United States of America, opening the market for the purchase and sale of migrants.” people. It is unacceptable that we play under the skin of vulnerable people who are fleeing difficult situations and looking for a better life. »

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