Sulmona goes to vote but her water breaks: a pregnant woman escapes from the polling station, then gives birth

A woman who was 36 weeks (nearly 9 months) pregnant went to the polling station to vote, but was unable to complete it because her water had broken. This happened in Sulmona, in the province of L'Aquila, where voting for the Abruzzo regional elections is taking place. The woman – who did not have time to enter the voting booth – was immediately accompanied to the hospital by her husband, where she gave birth a few hours later by cesarean section in the obstetrics and gynecology department from Sulmona. Both are fine now, doctors say they are in good health. “Everything went very well,” comments the family, highlighting the emotion of the moment. The men of the Guardia di Finanza, responsible for guarding the polling station, recounted how they quickly mobilized to assist the woman in difficulty: “It was a scene more singular than rare,” they added. An extraordinary event which attracted great attention and solidarity from everyone present.

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