Sorsi d'Autore, 25 years of encounters between culture and enogastronomic excellence of Veneto

The splendid Villa Foscarini Rossi in Stra, in the province of Venice, will serve as the setting July 7ththe last day of The Author's Sips®the multi-sensory event that every year, in summer, animates Veneto with experiences dedicated to the excellence of the territory.

Conceived and promoted by the Aida Foundation, in collaboration with the Veneto Region, the Istituto Regionale Ville Venete and the Associazione Ville Venete, it is now a successful format that this year celebrates the 25 years of activity. “We are pleased to have consolidated and implemented throughout this period – he said Meri Malagutidirector of the Aida Foundation – numerous collaborations with prestigious regional institutions and, above all, of having contributed to promoting a territory such as that of Veneto which, in fact, has many excellences to offer both in the artistic field and in that of wine and gastronomy. and wine sectors”.

Meetings and tastings in Venetian villas

Art, literature, music, tourism, journalism and food and wine culture. Signature sips It is a blend of know-how and flavors that combines the eternal beauty of Venetian Villas – many of which are protected as UNESCO World Heritage Sites – with tastings guided tours of fine wines and gastronomic excellence, organized by AIS Veneto – Italian Sommelier Association and the most recognized consortia and producers of the region.

A traveling event that began on June 9 with events held in four unique residences in the world: Villa Cordellina Lombardi in Montecchio Maggiore (VI), Villa Piva known as “the Cedars” in Valdobbiadene (TV), Malmignati Palace in Lendinara (RO) and Villa Foscarini Rossi in Stra (VE), protagonist of the final event.

As every year, the evenings are enlivened by moments of meeting with prominent personalities of Italian art and culture. Among the protagonists of the 25th edition, Rula Jebreal And Francesca Fagnaniguests of the journalist Luca TeleseAnd Black Marcorè face to face with histrionics Dario Vergassola.

Sips of operaan evening with the Phoenix of Venice

The final event of the 2024 edition, which also celebrates this important anniversary, will be held on July 7th in the 17th century Villa Foscarini Rossialong the Brenta Riviera.

For the occasion, one of the most important innovations of the event will be on stage: è Sips of operaan unprecedented parade with stage costumes from the great operas organized in collaboration with the La Fenice Theatre Foundation in Venice. The dresses will be worn by women under 35, not by professional models, and are all made specifically for Phoenician productions and are part of the precious collection of the Theatre's couture department. “But this fashion show is not just a visual spectacle – explains Andrea Erri, director of the Teatro La Fenice Foundation in Venice. It is also an opportunity to reflect on the importance of the artistic crafts of opera: these garments are not just fabrics sewn together; they are real works of art, the fruit of meticulous craftsmanship that testifies to the mastery and creativity of our artisans.

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Before the parade, the program includes the visit to the shoe museum of Villa Foscarini Rossi, which brings together a collection of over 1,500 models from the Rossimoda company, a manufacturer of women's shoes for the international luxury market. The evening will then end with a food and wine tasting with tastings of some local delicacies served in the villa's garden.

Info: Signature sips

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