Simone, the wheelchair angel who shoveled mud with flood victims, awarded by Mattarella

Simone Baldini And one of the 30 “everyday heroes” than at the Quirinale they will receive the title of “Knight of the Order of Merit of the Republic” Italian by President Mattarella for having carried out actions of civil commitment towards others.

Simone, confined to a wheelchair, is a Paralympic athlete. He notably distinguished himself as one of the “mud angels” who came to the aid of the flooded population of Emilia-Romagna. It represents the contribution offered by many volunteers from all over Italy to shovel the streets of the towns of Romagna.

His story went viral in those difficult days when, armed with a shovel, he helped other volunteers shovel mud from the streets. The photos and videos showing him in action have become an emblem of courage and resilience in the face of terrible tragedy.

In the video, he tells us about the emotion and surprise he felt when he learned that he was one of the winners. “Recognition: a very strong emotion, at first I thought it was a joke,” he says.

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