Simone Arrigoni returns in the role of “the dolphin man”: he holds the Greek record

Simone Arrigoni did it again, he dived in dynamic apnea, monofin on his feet and covered 1100 meters swimming like a dolphin breathing only 82 times in 24'30 in Greece, in Diakofti, on the island of Kythera. Seven years after his last record (in the water in front of Santa Marinella, Rm, 2017), he returns to challenge himself. And he did it after risking death from illness four years ago.

'Dolphin Swimming' is the specialty chosen by Simone Arrigoni who covered more than a kilometer equipped with a wetsuit, a mask and a snorkel and a monofin which allowed her to imitate the movement of a dolphin in the water. “I demolished my last record set at the 2017 Sea Games by covering the same distance with 20 fewer breaths. I thought it was impossible, and for this reason my satisfaction is even greater. Especially because it followed an illness that really weakened me to the point of death. I chose this maximum distance discipline because I wanted to try my hand at the most physically demanding record I achieved before illness forced me to give up. I didn't think I could improve that much on my previous performance, but the motivation was stronger than anything. I wanted to demonstrate, above all to leave a message to my 6-year-old son, that you should never give up.”

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