She was kicked and punched to death, her ex-partner avoided life in prison. The bitter March 8 of Giulia Rigon's family

Less than two and a half years have passed since Giulia Rigon was brutally murdered and her body was found in a motorhome used as a home and parked in Bassano del Grappa, in the province of Vicenza. Since then, the only accused of the murder, the victim's ex-partner Henrique Cappellari, a thirty-year-old of Brazilian origin, has always declared himself innocent, despite the reconstructions of investigators and prosecutors. Two and a half years later, on March 8, 2024, the Vicenza Assize Court sentenced him to 21 years in prison for aggravated murder and 600 thousand euros in compensation for the victim's family. The accused received a more lenient sentence from the collegiate court, presided over by Judge Lorenzo Miazzi, than that requested by prosecutors. Serena Chimichi and Alessia Grenna had asked for life in prison for Cappellari, given the ferocity with which the assassination was carried out and the clumsy attempts to hide its exact dynamics. “We expected this sentence,” commented Giulia Rigon's father and sister through their lawyers, “the family just wanted clarification on what happened but there was no collaboration on the part of the accused. We leave it to the court's decision. » The court's ruling on femicide came on International Women's Day, a circumstance that was not lost on those in the courtroom. The court also ruled that the man would be placed on probation after serving his sentence.

The murder of Giulia Rigon

The body of Giulia Rigon, a 31-year-old saleswoman from Asiago, was found in the camper on Sunday, December 19, 2021. According to the accused and his defense, Cappellari was not present at the time of the death of the young woman. . The 30-year-old apparently walked away from the car and, when he returned, found his partner on the ground, unconscious, with a deep head wound. It was then that he tried to resuscitate her, clumsily, then called for help. However, according to the prosecution, its reconstruction, supported by the evidence collected during the investigation, is incomplete. From the time of death, which would have occurred on the previous Saturday evening and not on Sunday – the day of the alarm. Traces of blood were then also found around the camper van, on the asphalt of the parking lot in front of the mobile home. And then the marks on the body, hardly compatible with those of a fall. According to prosecutor's reports, Giulia was kicked, punched and kneed with devastating violence. Finally, the young woman's body appeared damp, as if it had been washed after her death.

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