Sardinia, the gap between Todde and Truzzu is reduced to 800 votes: risk of recount

Is Alessandra Todde's victory in Sardinia in danger? Il Fatto Quotidiano writes today that the result of the vote could once again be at stake. Because with the counting of the 22 remaining sections, the gap of 2,500 votes on February 25 has been reduced to 800. And the collapse would be even clearer: 650 preferences. Thus, explains the newspaper, the center right could request a recount and put the outcome of the conflict back in the balance. But the actual result of the vote will only be known when the minutes of the district offices are examined by the central office of the Court of Appeal of Cagliari, chaired by Giovanni Lavena. The pending sections to the north of the island weigh on the final result. That is four in Sassari and two in Gallura. Where Truzzu clearly won. As of Thursday evening, the gap was 1,200 votes. Now it has become clearer.

The proclamation

This will affect the proclamation of victory. The recount of all the ballots could restart the game. The newspaper also explains that in these cases, the two minutes of each polling station are checked to verify the correspondence between the number of votes and the ballots. . In this case, calculation errors generally appear as well as disappearances of cards. It is now clear that the celebrations were premature.

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