Sanremo 2024, the “Blue Butterflies” against violence against women with Mr. Rain on stage

Blue butterflies Alessia Maurelli, Martina Centofanti, Agnese Duranti, Daniela Mogurean and Laura Paris (Aeronautica Militare) and Alessia Russo (Fiamme Oro) are the ambassadors against violence against women in Sanremo this evening.

“The Ariston stage is really a very important and super exciting stage”. Thus the captain of the Italian team who will be on stage alongside Mr. Rain and the Gemelli Diversi.

“It’s an important year, we hope that it’s the start of a great year which will then bring us to Paris with a lot of positive emotions and a lot of beautiful things that we will take in our luggage for the Olympics.” Alessia Maurelli added

“Our sport has a fantastic combination, sport and music – explains Maurelli – so being in Sanremo today and being able to perform our own rhythmic gymnastics choreography to the music of “Mary”, a song that Mr. Rain specifically wanted to bring to the stage by Ariston because it addresses the issue of violence against women.

In agreement with the Gymnastics Federation, on the front line against all forms of abuse, violence and discrimination, which has agreed to support Mr. Rain with the team that will represent Italy in Paris in the only all-female Olympic sport , also testifying in Sanremo, its commitment to the major issues of social responsibility: “For us – he concludes – It is very important to become ambassadors of a message as important as the fight against violence against women. Unfortunately, this theme is very current in these times and the strength of a group of women, whether among my teammates or our coaches, is very evocative. On stage we will bring this sorority to us and all the women who will watch us, the passion which can often save a person and the desire to be able to communicate. It's very important: to have a friend, a companion, in whom you can confide in all situations.”

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