Salvini remains reserved on Navalny: “The judges will assess how he died”. The European Commission denies and Calenda gets angry

“We took to the streets to ask for clarity, when there is a deceased person and the conditions in which he died are not clear, it is always important. After all, we are working for the end of all wars”, expresses Matteo Salvini in generic terms to say the least when the hosts of Rtl 102.5, who interviewed him in all directions this morning of February 20, questioned him about the death of Alexei. Navalny and the participation of the League, and in particular of Andrea Crippa, in yesterday's torchlight procession in Rome. And when asked more specifically if he has an idea on how of which the Russian dissident died and on the accusation of poisoning brought by his wife Yulia, Salvini tries to remain silent: “I have no idea, how can I say that?? I understand the position of the “wife, but it is right to clarify. Doctors and judges provide clarity.” No worries, even from the boos received by Crippa: “All the bullshit about the links with Russia have been put aside.”

The EU response

It's not just Italian politics that responds to particularly generic comments. Even the spokesperson for the European Commission reminds the leader of the Northern League that the EU position is clear and that it was also signed by Italy: “The EU position on the files of foreign policy, including that relating to the death or assassination of Navalny, was the subject of a declaration at 27. And this means that it was also accepted by Italy”, explains Peter Stano, from the spokesperson service of the European Commission: “It is not necessary to carry out a criminal investigation to define exactly the cause of his death “, he added, recalling how the opponent was the subject of “continuous intimidation”.

Calenda's Wrath

Carlo Calenda's pragmatic tweet was not long in coming: “Now Salvini has pissed you off. 1) the judgment of the magistrates of a dictatorship counts for nothing. 2) yesterday you sent your people to a demonstration against the assassination of Navalny. 3) prove to us that the agreement with United Russia was canceled. 4) now I ask my design office to check one by one the entrepreneurs who financed the League and what links they have with Russia. 5) don't forget to sue me.

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