Salvini launches anti-Von der Leyen crusade: “On April 25, we will take to the streets for freedom: from the bureaucrats of Brussels”

Matteo Salvini launches the League's electoral campaign from Milan with a view to the European Championships and tries to set the tone for his men: “We will succeed very well, the hands of history are on our side.” But what do we mean by good? The Deputy Prime Minister specifies from the stage of the youth demonstration of the League of “Politically Insoumis”: “I am convinced that we will reach at least two figures. The political objective that we must set for ourselves in the medium term is to exceed the 5 Stars. That the League has fewer votes than the 5 stars is something that cannot be felt.” In the latest SWG survey for La 7, Giuseppe Conte's party is credited with an almost double consensus compared to the Northern League – 15.4 against 8.1% – but Salvini hopes to reverse the situation in the next political elections, it seems. And also not to finish last in the center-right coalition if possible: “The “voting for the League is a unique vote, I say it with respect for the opponents but also for the allies. It will not be the same to vote for the FdI or for Forza Italia.”

Fratricidal Challenge

Where is the difference ? This is essentially the clearly negative opinion of the outgoing Commission and the new (EPP) President Ursula von der Leyen: “We can create autonomy, infrastructure and reduce the spread. But 90% of decisions come from Brussels. If there is a gang that decides for the interests of a few over the heads of the many, it is of no use. To think that Europe's catastrophes can be resolved by von der Leyen, co-protagonist of these catastrophes, is like saying to someone who suffers from diabetes: “Eat cotton candy, it's good for you.” You “. It is clear that the system that created the problem cannot solve it. » Hence the invitation to the coalition partners not to be “tempted” by a new agreement in the EU with the socialists: “If someone from the center-right prefers the seat, the comfort, the political correct and entanglement with the socialists versus a united center-right will not upset Matteo Salvini or the League but will harm Italy and Italians. Between Macron and Le Pen, I always choose Le Pen.”

Liberty Square

As for the agenda for the next electoral campaign, Salvini is launching a meeting from Milan intended to spark debate: “On April 25, we will meet thousands of young people, then we will decide where, perhaps in the land of the Lion: to speak about freedom and pride and not against anyone. » What political message to send on this day which commemorates the liberation of Italy from Nazi fascism? “I think it will be a very good signal that thousands of young people in the League find themselves defending freedom in danger, just as it is threatened by the policies of European Union bureaucrats who do nothing about immigration.” In short, Salvini is preparing for a campaign that aims more to fight than to govern, with resolutely populist tones. Do you want to position yourself even further to the right than the Brothers of Italy? The Deputy Prime Minister distances himself from the “old” political patterns, at least in words: “On April 25, the leitmotif will be fascists and communists: old categories outdated by history. They will ask us if we are anti-fascists: yes, there are no more Hitlers, Mussolini and Stalin. I am against all totalitarianism and against all deprivation of freedom. Whoever chooses the League always and in any case chooses freedom. » Then comes the (implicit) tribute to the supporters, addressing the young people of the League: “I am with you on April 25, thanking our parents and grandparents for the fights which also cost them their lives. Today's fights are about freedom, such as being able to work.”

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