Rome, the forty-year-old who escaped rape: “He threw me to the ground and groped me. I tried to get free, but he bit me on the face.”

“He kept coming closer, I tried to push him away, he grabbed me and threw me to the ground.” This is the story of Giulia (fictitious name) who, last Saturday, in the Pigneto district of Rome, was attacked from behind by a man. “He climbed on me, groped me – the forty-year-old continues –. When I tried to free myself, he bit my face, he was a beast. I am in shock, but I still have adrenaline in me… In a few days I fear a psychological collapse, of being destroyed in a corner…”. With the Corriere della Sera the woman reconstructs the moments preceding the violent attack.

The Pigneto

“Around 2 p.m. I left the group – she said – and went to the service bike sharingg that I had geolocated a few hundred meters to return home to Torpignattara. There were people in the street, the situation was calm.” A man “around thirty years old, dark face, curly hair – she remembers – and thin mustache, probably North African”, approaches she, has an unknown accent. “I don't remember what he said to me, I was distracted at the time, but as soon as I turned around, I immediately felt a feeling of danger .” After pushing her onto the asphalt, “he started biting my face until my arms were bleeding, I still have the marks… He was furious, he didn't stopped even though I was shouting,” he says.

Lack of police assistance and intervention

The tenant of the building opposite, attracted by the screams, looks out the window: “I begged him to call the police, but he told me that he would have to wake up early and that he would go back to sleep.” Instead, another resident saved the 40-year-old. The latter, once out in the street, threw himself at the attacker. “When he saw him coming, he ran away. The gentleman immediately called the ambulance, which arrived after half an hour, and 112 (the report will be sent to the police). Rescued by the emergency services, Giulia was finally transported to hospital.

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