Rome, tensions between police officers and students at Sapienza. The rectorate occupied. The demonstration for Gaza and against Israel – Video

There have been moments of tension between students and the police forces at the Sapienza University of Rome, where, since yesterday evening, the Rectorate has been working to request, as has already happened in Turin, the end of collaborations with Israeli universities to support Gaza. The problems arose when a group of young people tried to enter the building where the gathering of the collectives that occupied the structure last night was taking place. There were scuffles between demonstrators and the police. In front of the entrance to the Rectorate, young people chanted songs against Israel, the police forces and the rector Antonella Polimeni. For the collectives, the rector of La Sapienza University of Rome Antonella Polimeni “still chooses silence and repression. They called us intolerant when it was the rector who censored initiatives on Palestine and prevented us from speaking in the Senate, they even called us violent when, from Pisa to Florence via Rome in recent years, we have been beaten repeatedly in our universities and in our schools. cities. The minister even declared recently that it was necessary to “clearly distinguish the demonstrators from the students”, “the violent fringes of the students”, as if the real student was the one who never demonstrates, who does not dare to raise his head when something happens. This does not suit him well, when the demonstrator is an infiltrator, an outsider, in a warlike rhetoric that makes one shudder.” The students demand “the resignation of the rector Antonella Polimeni of the technical-scientific committee of Med-Or, the foundation Leonardo who, more than any other, is responsible for the inclusion of the academy in the war supply chain.”

(video of X)

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