Rome, accident between car and electric scooter: a 25-year-old man dies in Tor Bella Monaca

A 25-year-old girl, Manila De Luca, lost her life when she was hit by a car while riding an electric scooter in Tor Bella Monaca, Rome. This is the latest victim on an electrical panel in the capital, the sixth since 2022, the year when scooters became widespread in Italian cities. Manila was hit by a 22-year-old driving an Opel Astra. Immediately after the accident, there were moments of tension between some people in the street and the young man who, when getting out of the car, took with him a little girl he had on board. Traffic police from Group VI Torri escorted the man to the Tor Vergata Polyclinic for further examinations, after alcohol and drug testing. The boy, who seemed in shock, could already be the subject of an investigation for road homicide, explains the Corriere della Sera. The impact was extremely violent and the twenty-four-year-old young man was thrown into the air before crashing onto the asphalt. Camera images and testimonies from witnesses who witnessed the accident are being examined. It remains to be determined whether the car ran a red light or made a risky maneuver.

(Photo from Ansa directory)

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