Renzi is very harsh towards Leopolda: “Ursula von der Leyen must not be re-elected. Melons? I don't know how long it will last” – The video

Matteo Renzi came down hard on European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in his final speech at the Leopolda in Florence, the official political conference of Italia Viva. “She must not be re-elected,” declared the leader of the 4th peremptorily. “I would ask you not to vote for her, but to vote for a leader and not for a follower of ideologies,” he adds. To then quote Alcide De Gasperi, who “said of post-war Europe that it was necessary to “destroy rather than build”, to combat “pusillanimity and resentment”. There is a responsibility – he continues – also in Italy in the choice of von der Leyen. This is the candidate that Forza Italia and Antonio Tajani wanted.” And it is precisely against the vision of the latter that the leader of Italia Viva attacks: “They have distorted the pro-European vision which was present at Berlusconi and which today has become a vision of gray bureaucrats like Antonio Tajani, and others like Ursula von der Leyen”. Also in the front row to listen to him was the former advisor of Forza Italia, Francesca Pascale, who said she was curious to know Matteo Renzi, whom she considers the only leader in the political field.

“Meloni teaches anger and victimhood”

Regarding the European elections, Renzi emphasizes that Italia Viva agrees with the single list proposed by Più Europa. “If there is a request from others to take a step back from current parliamentarians, I am there, but let it be clear that from today we are in the game of 'a result that does not serve our ego, but Italy, Europe. and the future of Europe. If you are there, we will be there, if not we will do it ourselves. If someone doesn't want it, leave,” he advises. He then launches into domestic politics and, after expressing the greatest respect for the current Prime Minister, he comments: “I don't I don't know how long Giorgia Meloni will be Prime Minister, Metteo Salvini has accustomed us to great emotions.” And he adds: “The objective fact is that after 18 months, this country is angrier because those who govern it educate people to anger, intolerance and victimization. When there are parliamentarians who travel with weapons, the Prime Minister has a duty to say something. Institutions come before Meloni or the brothers-in-law of Italy”

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