Red Sea, Nave Duilio commander after Houthi attack: “It’s a conflict zone, we are ready even if it’s tiring”

After the attack suffered by the ship Caio Duilio in the Red Sea, which responded by shooting down a drone, the commander of the destroyer Andrea Quondamatteo explains what is the situation in what is considered by the Italian Navy as a conflict zone, which requires high levels of attention and preparation. “Having seen what happened to other ships in this sea basin, we must clarify that this is not an area no riskbut it is rather one conflict zone“, he explained toHandle For the ship's captain, “there is a significant risk assessment, but we are trained and ready to be on mission here. This availability maintained for prolonged periods is tiring, which is why I would like to congratulate my staff. Thank you also to their families, whom I would like to reassure. We are all fine, the crew is made up of highly focused and trained professionals. They do their job well and I am proud to be their commander. Yesterday's action was not the action of a single commander, but of an entire coherent group. » After the device was shot down, about 6 kilometers from the Duilio ship, Defense Minister Guido Crosetto denounced “the terrorist attacks of the Houthi group” as a “serious violation of international law”.

Self-defense against drones

Quondamateo recounts what happened: “Yesterday – Saturday March 2, ed – The ship Duilio, sailing in the southern Red Sea, located an unknown air trail. The profile was threatening and, following optical recognition using sensors on board a drone of the same type and behavior as those which, in recent days, were responsible for attacks on commercial traffic in the area, Nave Duilio reacted self-defense. . The destroyer reaches the area where it passes next to the frigate Martinengo. Soon, barring any surprises, Italy will take operational tactical command of the European defensive mission Aspides, which aims to guarantee the security of naval and merchant traffic on the routes threatened by Houthi attacks. Strategic command is entrusted to Greece and Italy must now give the green light to its participation. After the approval of the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union on February 19, that of the Italian Council of Ministers arrived the following week. After examination by the Foreign Affairs and Defense committees, the government will illustrate this provision to the Senate on Tuesday March 5. “The Nave Duilio benefited from the experience of the ships that preceded us in the Red Sea area, the Nave Fasan and the Nave Martinengo, to offer a first line of protection to merchant ships,” added Commander Quondamatteo, “we are ready to do the same. also work with the admiral and his team as soon as we have the green light from Parliament.”

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