Rai and journalistic activities resume from Moscow from March 30

Rai resumes its journalistic activities at the Moscow correspondence office from March 30.

The suspension was determined by recent legislation of the Russian Federation, which provides for prison sentences for those who disseminate information unilaterally deemed “unfounded” by the Russian authorities about the invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions imposed by various countries.

“After a careful examination of the legislation and a comparison with the experiences of other international networks – underlines a note from Viale Mazzini – although this law is still in force, Rai considered that it was still important to resume the flow information from the Russian Federation. That is why the correspondents and correspondents in the Russian Federation, with the usual direction of the newspapers, will resume informing Italians in the Russian Federation on political, economic and social issues, ensuring that the security and integrity of the professional action carried out.

At the same time, Rai “will continue to inform its public about the invasion of Ukraine and about the economic sanctions of Western countries against the Russian Federation, freely and without any conditions, from the central editorial offices in Italy and from the correspondence offices in countries outside the Russian Federation”.

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