Pupo on a peace mission in Moscow, the concert at the Kremlin theater: “I dreamed of a song and two peoples became brothers again”

Enzo Ghinazzi alias Pupo has decided to leave for Moscow on a peace mission, as he explains in a post on Instagram announcing his departure for today, March 12. Extremely popular in Russia and Eastern Europe, Pupo explained that his journey has nothing to do with money or popularity, which he says he no longer needs. In his message, he explains that from this morning “with all my musicians, technicians and journalists, I will move to Moscow for a week.”

Once in the Russian capital, Pupo plans to put on a show on March 15 at the Kremlin Theater. It is there that Ghinazzi announces that he will record “a special program called “Pupo and his friends””. Not just any show, he explains, but “My modest contribution to peace”. Pupo assures that his initiative has nothing to do with money or relations with the Russian public: “Instead of staying quietly and comfortably at home, I decided to go into the 'trenches'. Believe me, dear readers, I am not doing this out of economic necessity or even out of a desire to become more famous and more beloved. I don’t need either one.”

What pushed Pupo to leave was a dream that enlightened him and which he hopes will do the same for two men whose names he never mentions. Ghinazzi appears to be referring to Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky: “I dreamed that a song enlightened the minds of two men. Two men who shared nothing except a passion for these songs. The dream ended with the two singing the chorus together and, in shaking hands, their two peoples became brothers again.

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