Ponza municipal councilor arrested, accused of 5,000 euros bribe for contract

A Ponza city councilor was arrested for extortion by the Latina Command carabinieri. This is the municipal councilor of Fratelli d'Italia, Danilo D'Amico, who had received the delegation for public works from Mayor Francesco Ambrosino. D'Amico, 33, is the territorial coordinator of the FdI in Ponza. According to the prosecution, D'Amico had requested and obtained 5 thousand euros from a Roman entrepreneur. A bribe, according to investigators from the Cassino prosecutor's office, useful to obtain for the contractor a future contract worth 50 thousand euros for cleaning work on the island's paths. Mayor Ambrosino, elected in 2022, was surprised: “The Municipality is dismayed and in any case foreign to these despicable practices. Councilor D'Amico, if the rumors are confirmed, has betrayed the trust of the mayor and his voters and is therefore immediately expelled by the majority of the council. Ponza is stronger than those who wish it badly and behave badly. It is not possible to undo the enormous efforts made every day. »

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