Piantedosi's version of the Pisa demonstration: “Demonstration in total violation of the law” – Video

“Regarding the demonstration in Pisa, it should be emphasized beforehand that, in total violation of the law, no notice was presented to the police headquarters, but that the demonstration itself, both by the collective autonomous university of the antagonistic area that by the political movement “Cambiare Rotta Pisa”, had been announced on the web as a day of strike for Palestine, with a concentration of participants in Piazza Dante and a probable continuation with a procession in the downtown. These are the words of Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi in the House during the briefing on the accusations against the Pisa students. The police headquarters, adds the minister, “after hearing about it, attempted several times, without success, to contact the organizers to obtain information on the type of initiative that would be carried out and the related progress, in order to be able to provide appropriate public order.” Concerning the accusations made against the students, he explains that “checks will be carried out rigorously and with complete transparency on what happened, investigations by the justice system are also underway. The government has not changed its strategy for managing public order. “The demonstrators tried several times to break through, repelled by the police, also thanks to the subsequent intervention of two reinforcement teams from the Mobile Department,” he underlined. The parents of the cut-off boys promise collective action and 15 police officers risk an investigation.

“No to summary trials, but good Mattarella”, and the center right stands up and applauds in the courtroom

The minister, during the briefing, invited us not to “take summary trials to the police”. In reaction, all the center-right deputies stood up to applaud at length. Piantedosi is on the government benches alongside School Minister Giuseppe Valditara. “I address my sincere thanks, on behalf of all members of the Police, to the President of the Republic for the solidarity expressed to the agents of the State Police who yesterday, in Turin, performing a service linked to the repatriation of an immigrants, convicted of several very serious crimes, were victims of a violent attack on the part of a large group of anarchists,” he then declared. “I also thank him – added – he – for having reiterated, both to me and to the police chief, his full confidence and his closeness towards the state police. “I completely agree – continues the minister – with the words spoken by President Mattarella the day after the clashes in Pisa. Like the Head of State, I am also convinced that the authority of the police is not nourished by the use of force. This authority is based on the sacrifice of hundreds of people who fell in the fight against terrorism and crime, on the loyal defense of democratic institutions even in the darkest years of the Republic, on the ability to support the development of Italian society with balance and professionalism. .

“Risks for agents”

Reconstructing the Pisa demonstration, Piantedosi also argued that if there had not been a charge, the police would have run serious risks: “to guarantee the safety of the police officers, pressed against the vehicle placed behind them, a flash charge , allowing the staff to advance a few meters and thus relieve the pressure of the demonstrators.” Before the accusation, continues the head of the Ministry of the Interior, the agents had occupied their post “using only their shields, despite the fact that the demonstrators continued to exert pressure with shoving, kicking, insults, spitting and attempts to steal the shields.

“The management of public order does not change”

“Any suggestion that there is a government plan to suppress political dissent and that this plan would be implemented by police forces during public order services must be firmly rejected. There is not and there will never be any ministerial directive in this sense nor any indication aimed at modifying the operating rules of public order management,” declared the minister. According to Piantedosi, after the Hamas attack of October 7, “a broad and varied pro-Palestinian mobilization developed throughout the national territory, in many cases promoted by associations attributable to the antagonistic zone or in which substantial participation was noted of activists from this extraction. In this context, a growing effervescence was also noted among the student components of the opposing zone. And he adds: “a climate of increasing aggressiveness towards the police forces, both with the aim of attracting them and provoking reactions from those who manage public order, in order to increase the level of opposition between the “street” and the establishments”.

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