Parenzo and Cruciani harass the Russian embassy: “tell us about Navalny”. They have been trying for days without success. Then they unleashed Er Brazil – The video

Since February 16, when news of Alexei Navalny's death in prison in Siberia spread, David Parenzo and Giuseppe Cruciani have bombarded the Russian embassy with telephone calls on their show Zanzara. The attempt always fails, even if sometimes a telephone operator answers in Russian. But the two men do not give up and each time try to contact the ambassador in Italy, transforming the initial idea into real telephone harassment.

The phone bombs every day

The idea came from Parenzo, who wanted to communicate to the ambassador the idea of ​​​​naming one of the streets of Rome surrounding the Russian Embassy in Italy in the name of Navalny (the main one is the Aurelia Antica, and change the name would be complicated). However, as soon as Parenzo appears, the operator hangs up the call, even though he tried to understand better by answering in Italian. Cruciani suggested his co-host be more aggressive and get to the point. What Parenzo did by immediately demanding an explanation for Navalny's death. But at that point, the embassy had to identify the phone number and on each subsequent attempt, no one answered, triggering a music track to be put on hold. Then there was only one beep.

The trick to not being discovered immediately

Parenzo and Cruciani did not give up and in one of the next episodes, calling from a different number, they again managed to get in touch with the switchboard operator who spoke in Russian. However, having recognized them almost instantly, the two found themselves faced with the beep signaling that the call had been interrupted. At that point, Cruciani attempted to bring in another of his much-discussed guests, Massimiliano Minocci. Known as “Er Brasiliano de Roma” or simply “Er Brasile”, Minocci is well known to Roman law enforcement who spend time arresting him for fights, drug offenses or for having resisted a public official. However, after each arrest, he returns to the field to do the same things as before.

Uh Brazil

The extreme solution: this time he calls (and threatens) Er Brazil

However, the criminal profile of the heavily tattooed Er Brasile did not facilitate communications with the Russian embassy in Italy. He tried to speak to the Russian who answered the switchboard: “Ah, my brothers, is everything well? and asks in his own way for explanations about Navalny's end: “Don't tell me bullshit, because between bandits we don't talk bullshit to each other…”. Er Brasile partly did more than Parenzo, because at that point the switchboard operator became confused and started speaking uncertain Italian: “I don't know how to speak Italian. Can you please call tomorrow morning? » But the Brazilian did not accept the postponement: “No, no, but which one tomorrow? Let's talk about it right away. Otherwise, I will come to the Russian embassy and slaughter you like cod…”. And then the call was interrupted…

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