Padua-Catania, chaos in the stands: the Sicilian ultras invade the field and the opposing sectors. Police accusations – Videos

Invasion of the stands and the pitch, police charges, firecrackers and smoke bombs in the stands. This is what happened during the interval between the two regular halves of the first leg of the Italian Cup Serie C final between Padua and Catania at the Euganeo stadium. A group of Sicilian ultras managed to break down the gate of their sector and penetrate that of the opposing supporters, throwing smoke bombs and destroying the banners. A few supporters Rossoazzurri also entered the field, throwing firecrackers and requiring police intervention. The agents charged the ultras in the north bend, until the situation returned to normal. Around ten Catania supporters were arrested and the match then resumed 15 minutes late. On its official website, the Catania Football Club has distanced itself from the violence of its supporters. The company “stigmatizes the behavior of the troublemakers involved in the clashes and excesses at the Euganeo stadium. We strongly and categorically condemn any form of violence, expressing our full solidarity with the police.” The match then ended with a score of 2-1 for the home team.

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