Open arrives in Turin with the Circolo dei Lettori: three dialogues on the Terrace (at the Armida) on the challenges of the present. The complete program

Who said summer was just for unplugging? What if we took advantage of it, drink in hand and view of Turin Hill, to also reflect on the world that is changing around us? This is the challenge that the Circolo dei Lettori di Torino and the Open are launching over the coming weeks. A series of meetings to reflect on some of the great dilemmas of our time – from disinformation to geopolitics to health – in a unique setting, that of the terrace of the Circolo Canottieri Armida, in the heart of Valentino. The Terrace Dialogues on the big questions of the present begin on June 26 and await you regularly the following two Wednesday evenings (July 3 and 10), always at 6 p.m. All events have free entry upon reservation through Circolo dei Readers. Here is the complete program and the protagonists of our meetings.

Wednesday June 26, 6 p.m. – TRUE OR FALSE?
With David PuenteOpen deputy director for fact-checking, e Massimo FerraroOpen journalist
How and to what extent did propaganda and disinformation influence the European elections? What should we expect from the next US elections? To what extent does artificial intelligence affect the boundary between reality and fiction on the web? In the era of post-truth and extreme political polarization, we analyze the aspects and difficulties encountered within a newspaper to verify and combat fake news.
Reserve your place here

Wednesday July 3, 6 p.m. – WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END OF THE WORLD?
With Dario Fabbridirector of Domino, e Drawings by SimoneOpen journalist
Pope Francis' prediction seems to have come true: war is resurfacing all around us, with the threat of a deadly union between “intractable” fronts. How could this happen? How can it evolve? A conversation in search of the deepest answers, from America's identity crisis to China's coming-of-age test, from the contradictions of India and Iran to the imperial tremors of Russia and Turkey.
Reserve your place here

Wednesday July 10, 6 p.m. – HOW IS ITALIAN HEALTH?
With Mariangela Piradeputy director of Eco magazine, e Gianluca BrambillaOpen journalist
Clogged emergencies, increasingly long waiting lists, attacks on medical staff. Italian public health is in free fall, due to years of short-sighted policies and repeated budget cuts by governments of all political persuasions. How to get out of it? Which professional figures are missing in the Italian health system? Is abolishing the limited number of medical schools enough? A discussion on the difficulties and challenges of a crucial sector for the country.
Reserve your place here

In the event of bad weather, appointments will be moved to the Circolo dei Lettori: those who have booked will be informed by email to the address used for the reservation.

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