“Non-supernatural facts, without ecclesial value”

For the diocese of Civita Castellana i Facts of Trevignano Romano, regarding the alleged apparitions, are not supernatural. Mgr Marco Salvi communicates it “after an appropriate period of attentive discernment, listening to the testimonies coming from the territory and calling on a Commission of experts – composed of a Mariologist, a theologian, a canonist, a psychologist and the external advice of certain specialists, considered the figure of Mary in the Tradition of the Church and in the living faith of the people of God”.

For the diocese, the alleged apparitions of the Madonna of Maria Giuseppa Scarpulla have “no ecclesial value and cannot be used as if they had it, even in a civil context,” according to Salvi. The bishop also warns “the faithful againstdisciplinary and spiritual obligation arising from the ecclesial declaration to refrain from organizing and/or participating in private and/or public meetings (whether prayer or catechesis) who consider the supernatural truth of the events in Trevignano as certain and indubitable or who are capable of putting pressure on the diocesan bishop to change his legitimate decisions on the events themselves” .

“Our Lady cried tears of blood for two years, then never cried again. It’s not like he cries every third of the month,” he said. Gisella Cardia, alleged clairvoyant, at the microphones of Bruno Vespa's show “Cinq minutes”. His testimony was reiterated by providing as “proof” the statuette of the Virgin Mary purchased in Medjugorje. The results of the investigation ordered by the diocese were awaited into the affair and the apparitions.

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