No! “Vaccine-induced turbo-cancer” does not exist

Shares of an article are circulating on Facebook The comparison where we talk about turbo-cancer induced by vaccines against the new Coronavirus. The text correlates them with the “tumor epidemic” by presenting it as a “recent phenomenon”, but which has actually existed for at least 30 years. Above all, it is not possible to use these cases to talk about turbo-cancer, in this article we explain why.

For those in a hurry:

  • Il Paragone reported theories regarding a link between Covid vaccines, turbo-cancer and respiratory syncytial virus.
  • Turbo-cancer does not exist and there is no evidence linking Covid vaccines and tumors.
  • There is also no evidence of a link to syncytial virus bronchiolitis.


We report the text of the sharing on the Covid and turbo-cancer vaccines, which is essentially a copy and paste of the article signed by Antonio Oliviero on Il Paragone:

Studies: Canada, “Vaccine-induced turbo-cancer”, the study by the Canadian authority: “What happens to the cells”.
We call it “turbo-cancer”, a definition in itself worrying, just as the phenomenon of fulminant oncological diseases which, in a few months and in some cases weeks, lead to death is alarming. And we have emphasized that the “tumor epidemic”, which even the Istituto Superiore della Sanità speaks of, but without providing other explanations, is a recent phenomenon, appearing only a few years ago, whereas previously it was was a very rare case. : a temporal coincidence with the vaccination peaks and the years that will follow which will not escape the reader. According to a study that we have cited and which, as we will see, is not the only one, the Spike protein in mRNA vaccines against Covid-19 could have a carcinogenic action, leading to progression, recurrence or cancer metastases. In fact, mRNA drugs synthesize “unexpected” proteins.
The effects of Spike protein
Spike proteins could promote the persistence of cancer, pushing it to multiply exponentially to invade the rest of the body: turbo-cancers in patients who received mRNA vaccines can be explained “by the observed absorption of these vaccines by macrophages and dendritic cells. The new alarm was raised by Dr. Michael Palmer, a Canadian physician and university professor who authored an article on Doctors for COVID Ethics. An increasing number of clinical oncologists and pathologists are reporting cases of solid tumors, lymphomas, and leukemias that are notable for their unusually rapid growth and progression to systemic metastases. A correlation between mRNA vaccines and the appearance and progression of tumor forms? Micheal Palmer is also convinced of this, relying on a theory dating back to 2012, in an unsuspecting era, with which Thomas Seyfried, a cancer researcher at Boston College, illustrated the theses summarized in the book Cancer as a metabolic Disease. In essence, trying to make everything accessible even to us laymen in the matter, metastases occur “if the cells of a tumor that was until now only locally invasive fuse with macrophages or dendritic cells.”

Turbo-cancer and Covid vaccines

First of all, a clarification is necessary: “Turbo-cancer” does not exist. This is a vocabulary word used in anti-vaccine circles based on the false myth that people vaccinated against Covid develop rapidly growing tumors. As was the case with the term “serum” to designate vaccines, or “Vaids” to define a phantom vaccine immune deficiency, we always talk about total inventions presented with terms that seem scientific, but which are not. at all.

“There is no such thing as “turbo-cancer,” and the evidence cited is as weak as any anti-vax “evidence,” including anecdotes and misinterpretations of epidemiology” (David Gorski).

Let us now examine the sources of Il Paragone. Let us first cite a study by Raquel Valdes Angues and Yolanda Perea Bustos entitled “SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and the Multi-Hit Hypothesis of Oncogenesis”, published in Curéus in December 2023. The researchers present a simple hypothesis which would link vaccines and tumors, without ever using the term turbo-cancer, and without proving anything, and above all this does not explain why falling ill with severe Covid should not be more dangerous, given that mRNA vaccines do nothing other than stimulate irrelevant production of Spike proteins, which would instead proliferate uncontrollably during infection. We have already explained the unfounded nature of these “hypotheses” by consulting experts in numerous articles. To get started, you can read here, here and here. In the study, Vaers' reports are cited in several passages. We have also discussed the unfounded nature of the use of such data on several occasions (for example here, here and here).

An article by Dr Michael Palmer for the No vax doctors' association is then cited Doctors for Covid Ethics. The vaccine disinformation activity of this association is quite well known, as we have explained in previous articles (e.g. here, here and here). Let's read the salient points reported by Il Paragone on which the actions in question are also based:

“It’s based on a theory that dates back to 2012in an unsuspecting age, with which Thomas Seyfried, cancer researcher from Boston College, illustrated the theses summarized in the book Cancer as a metabolic disease. […] In the case of mRNA vaccines, cells in the human body that are “attached”, e.g. they absorb the famous Spike protein, would interfere with tumor antigens“.

In this passage, the thesis that Covid vaccines cause turbo-cancer replaces the citation of Seyfried's work on cancer as a metabolic disease. We contacted the professor directly to ask him if he shared this hypothesis. “Dr Palmer did a great job summarizing my work – explains Professor A Open -, but I have never studied the link between Covid and cancer. There is a lot of talk about a possible link, but I have not seen any studies establishing a significant link. »

Seyfried, following our further request, did not want to clarify whether she was also referring to Covid vaccines. However, it is implied – in light of what has been explained above – that if the professor has not found links between Covid-19 and cancer, it is unlikely that he will find any with Vaccine-induced spikes, which are, by comparison, irrelevant. quantities.

Covid vaccines and respiratory syncytial virus

Finally, we come to the even more unlikely link to respiratory syncytial virus cases:

“One of the biological functions of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein is, in fact, to determine the fusion betweenviral envelope and the membrane (cytoplasmic or endosomal) of the target cell”. Essentially, if the Spike protein fuses with an infected cell, that cell can fuse with neighboring cells. Tel “giant cells” they are also called “syncyti”and it is hardly necessary to open a parenthesis to remember that, curiously, in recent years, an incredible number of cases of Respiratory syncytial virus“.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis was known before the pandemic and mainly affects the pediatric population. As with SARS-CoV-2, it is possible to verify the molecular presence of the pathogen by PCR. According to US CDC Each year in the United States, approximately 58,000 children under the age of five are hospitalized due to RSV. As explained to Open in November 2021 by pediatrician Stefano Prandoni, founder of the Facebook group The influence is unknown“in the first bulletin on the evolution of influenza forms there is a bit of everything, including the syncytial virus [che mostrava un’incidenza molto elevata all’epoca, Nda]. With the lockdowns, all these viruses have been put on the back burner. They circulated much less.” So the following year they regained their footing, manifesting themselves quite significantly, not in terms of severity but in terms of intensity.


We have seen that turbo-cancer does not exist, just as there is no evidence of a link between anti-Covid vaccines and the appearance of tumors or other diseases such as syncytial virus bronchiolitis.

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