No! Peter McCullough's 'detox' protocol for Covid vaccines makes no sense

Shares continue to circulate on Facebook concerning the statements of a famous American cardiologist close to anti-vax circles, Dr. Peter McCullough. This time it concerns in particular the detox protocol promoted by him on several occasions, which should treat both long Covid and phantom Spike protein poisoning induced by vaccines against the new Coronavirus. We also know McCullough for his theses on the possibility that the mRNA coding for these antigens can modify the DNA causing tumors. We have already seen in several articles how baseless his arguments were (for example here, here and here).

For those in a hurry:

  • The protocol mainly involves the integration of nattokinase with other substances.
  • The integration suggested by McCullough is not supported by relevant scientific evidence.
  • There is no study confirming a function against long Covid.
  • There would be no point in detoxing from vaccine spikes, as these do not appear to be toxic, and outside the context of actual infection it would make even less sense.


The actions concerning Dr. McCullough's “Anti-Spike Protocol” concern a clip in which the doctor lists the “ingredients” with the supposed detox functions against the Spike of vaccines:

The McCullough Detox Protocol

The so-called detoxification therapies to “cleanse” oneself from Covid vaccines are an alternative medicine also well known in our country, as we saw in a previous article. My colleague Flora Teoh instead covered McCullough's “recipe” in an article for Health Comments in March 2023.

According to the cardiologist, the enzyme plays an important role nattokinase, recommended with bromelain and curcumin. He also mentions a study, mentioned by the doctor in other circumstances, published on Moleculesa magazine from the Swiss publishing house MDPI, known for previous controversial publications raising legitimate doubts about the quality of its peer review (we have discussed several cases, for example here, here and here). The research in question (Tanikawa et al), in addition to being carried out in vitro, does not at all support a phantom “detox” function against the Spikes of Covid vaccines.

The enzyme nattokinase – so named because it was originally isolated from natto, a traditional Japanese dish – can break the structure of several proteins, including those that allow blood clotting. Research in small groups of animals and people suggests that incorporating the enzyme into the diet would provide cardiovascular benefits. That's all.

Even if it is suggested to take it to protect yourself from long Covid understood as a consequence of the infection, there is no proof of effectiveness. Finally, we have already seen that it was completely useless to think about detoxifying Spike proteins in numerous articles (for example here, here and here), where we showed that SARS-CoV-2 antigens induced by vaccination are insignificant in number compared to those which would proliferate during the infection itself.


Not only is the detox protocol promoted by McCullough not supported by relevant scientific evidence – especially for long Covid – but it is also unnecessary, in fact, there is no need to detox from Covid-induced spikes. vaccination.

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