Naples, autistic student expelled by principal during bullying meeting. The mother's anger: “Treated like a dog” – The video

The mother of an 11-year-old student was left shocked and disbelieving when she saw footage captured during an anti-bullying and cyberbullying event at her son's school. The film, filmed at a school in Afragola, in the Neapolitan region, shed light on what happened at the training meeting several weeks earlier. The 11-year-old, who has autism spectrum disorder, sits next to his support teacher, making the repetitive, uncontrollable sounds typical of his condition. For those who know it, these sounds are an expression of the joy of participating in social moments. However, the principal seems to have perceived them differently: a nuisance. To the point of calling the teacher to come get the student and accompany him out of the room: “Teacher, please take this boy and bring him to class,” we hear the teacher say. director. The case dates back to February 7, but was only brought to the mother's attention recently. Whoever took these images, overwhelmed by indignation, decided to make them public and give them to the boy's mother. “I have an inner pain… the principal chased it away from me like a barking dog,” comments the woman.

The matter comes to the minister's table

“My son was visibly smiling and happy about this socializing moment,” says the boy’s mother, “and he was pulled away because those smiles were obviously annoying in his own way.” The woman decided to contact the association Andrew's Battle, active in defending the rights of people with disabilities. Asia Maraucci, president of the association, expresses her dismay: “We were shocked by the video, but what shocked us the most was the deafening silence that was created around it and the fact that no one said anything, no one protested. The lady – he adds – asked for help from our lawyer Sergio Pisani and we immediately put her in contact with him who immediately took the case to heart and decided to follow it. We hope that the situation will be clarified – concludes Maraucci – but today these words resonate in our heads and are heavy like rocks”. The deputy of the Green Left Alliance, Francesco Emilio Borrelli, also intervenes on the subject: “The scene of the child's kidnapping gives you chills. It happened during a day against bullying and we behaved like tyrants. I believe that beyond the excuses, the director must think seriously to his way of acting and treating his students. I have decided to also report the matter to the competent Minister for any necessary intervention.”

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