Murder of Ziliani: “They killed their mother not out of hatred or money but to satisfy their ego”

They did not kill for money or even out of hatred towards the victim. According to the judges, the assassination of Laura Ziliani, former police officer from Temù and mother of the two accused, was committed to “satisfy the ego of the group and adequately celebrate its cohesion”. This is what the Brescia Assize Court wrote in black and white in the 98 pages of the reasons for the first degree sentence of life imprisonment against the sisters Paola and Silvia Zani and the ex-boyfriend of the one of the two, Mirto Milani. “The three – reports the court – acted in concert with each other, contributing to compose, each for their part, the mosaic of the criminal project.” According to the president of the Brescia Assize Court, Roberto Spanó, neither the economic motive nor that of hatred towards the victim are non-existent. “The only person who showed real, somewhat spasmodic, interest in the estate of the late Laura Ziliani was Mirto Milani's mother. The excessive role of stone guest assumed by the woman may support the suspicion that her son immediately informed her of the murder, as seems to be proven by the messages sent by the accused from prison with the aim of misleading the investigation, as well as the precautions adopted by the two men to prevent their conversations from being intercepted.

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