Modena, suspension canceled for student guilty of leaving interview against school

The suspension of Damiano Cassanelli has been overturned, the eighteen-year-old student from Modena who, as a representative of the Barozzi Institute, had given an interview to local media where he denounced the search of backpacks and bags at the start of the last day of school. The suspension was decided by the Institute's council, sparking heated controversy. Now comes the revocation decided by the school's internal guarantee body, to which Damiano himself had turned, supported by his lawyer Stefano Cavazzuti.

Minister Valditara's note

“As I had already indicated in response to a parliamentary question relating to the case of a student from Modena suspended from classes for 12 days, the school, in its autonomy, has all the tools to review the sanctions deemed unfair” , he explained. in a note from the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara. “And this is in fact what happened with the school's internal guarantee body which, by a majority of votes, canceled the measure adopted by the school board. This case demonstrates once again that by following the correct rules and procedures, justice can still be served,” the minister added.

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