Minister Schillaci: “No to the global green pass and the excessive power of the WHO”

Orazio Schillaci says no to “excessive power” of the World Health Organization. And Minister Meloni also makes it known that Italy will never join the WHO Global Green Pass. Although this will ensure the “full functioning” of the electronic health record.” In an interview with The truth Schillaci explains that the electronic medical record is a tool for the benefit of the citizen: the digitization of medical history will help the doctor and specialists. “We are working closely with the Privacy Guarantor on this, because we are well aware that secure data processing is essential. Concerning the WHO global green pass, European states are not obliged to join it and Italy will not join it,” said the minister.

WHO funding

Schillaci also talks about WHO funding: “Italy has always maintained that the majority of funds should come from states. This would increase the specific weight of the States themselves. I confirm what I said, the position of this government is to safeguard the interests of Italy against any logic of absolute power and we will do it using the tools available.” And he explains that “the One Health approach does not in any way compromise health sovereignty and does not aim to harmonize global health protocols. It is a strategy that examines the undeniable interconnection between human, animal and environmental health. Areas therefore that require integrated intervention in matters of health protection.

Cuts to health care

Regarding cuts in health care, Schillaci recalls that the executive has “increased the resources of the health fund: over the three-year period 2024-2026, there are 11.2 billion more. Three billion for health in 2024 is not a small sum. From 2014 to 2019, the Fund's funding gradually decreased. Can we do more? Of course. Have we done little? I do not want to say. The truth is that health had lost its central place in the government's agenda, it has now become the protagonist again. ” And he says that no one wants to privatize health care: “The measures we have adopted, for example, to eliminate waiting lists, even with the participation of the private sector by agreement, have the sole objective of bringing answers to the citizen for whom he can pay the ticket in a public or private affiliated establishment, it makes no difference. And I recall, as always, that the private sector, with an agreement in Italy, is an integral part of the public service and must make its contribution by making the whole range of services available, and not just the most profitable ones.”

Antibiotic resistance

Schillaci also talks about antibiotic resistance: “Antibiotics indeed remain a formidable weapon, but we must take great care of them, reserving them only for cases for which they are indicated and necessary. For this reason, it is essential to encourage best practices and appropriate prescriptions, in order to reduce the spread of infections resistant to these drugs. Excessive and inappropriate use, both for human and veterinary use, as well as the spread of healthcare-associated infections, are fueling antimicrobial resistance. »

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