Minister Nordio does not come to Leopolda, Renzi: “The scandal file? It will end up in a soap bubble” – The video

The database access scandal? According to Matteo Renzi, “it will certainly end in a soap bubble.” He said it from the Leopolda stage, then added: “Or they will find a good alibi and a dead culprit to make everyone pay, but the seriousness of what happened will not come out.” According to him, even the absence of the Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, at today's event, March 9, “is not accidental”: “Also because Nordio had confirmed this morning that he would intervene. I have the impression that this is not a change of mind on the part of the minister but the fact that a transversal majority could be obtained with regard to those who have an interest in concealing everything, to cut everything off and put everything to sleep.” According to Renzi, “the reason why there is currently a fratricidal struggle within certain editorial offices, within certain political parties, within certain organs of the State, is because in this affair, if the truth comes out, I quote Cantone, 'he's vermin'”. “It is no coincidence – he continued – that Cantone and Melillo requested and obtained a hearing from the anti-mafia commission, while they requested it from the CSM and I do not know if he has heard them or whether hearings are planned. “. Renzi then wanted to send a message to the Prime Minister: “Dear Meloni, we will measure your desire for transparency by your ability to implement a request made by Nordio and Crosetto. Two FdI ministers have called for a commission of inquiry into illegal access. Part of the majority and the FdI will do everything to destroy the commission. I say to Meloni, we will measure your courage if you follow the ideas of two of your ministers, we will see if you really have the courage that you boast of.

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