Milan, Inter in the Antimafia: the links of the Curva Nord with the 'Ndrangheta

Friday March 15 is an unforgettable date for Inter fans. It was in fact the day when the club's leaders were summoned before the anti-mafia consultative commission of the municipality of Milan. Present were the president of the club's supervisory body, Adriano Raffaelli, and the director of security, Gianluca Camerucci. Who answered some questions about the Nerazzurri's Curva Nord. And on its leader Vittorio Boiocchi, killed in October 2022. But also on Dede Belardinelli, killed during the clashes of December 26, 2018 before Inter-Napoli. And links between the ultras leader Marco Ferdico with Antonio Bellocco, convicted of mafia and son of an excellent dynasty: that of the Bellocco of Rosarno.

Marco Ferdico and Antonio Bellocco

The fact he says Ferdico negotiated a sentence of two years and eight months for drug trafficking. Only one count against him, number 10: “Ferdico (…) in competition with the already tried Francesco Lombardo bought from unknown suppliers, received, detained, detained and sold 1,065 kilos of cocaine (.. .) which he transported from Carugate to Brugherio, where he was seized at the expense of Lombardo alone (…). Given that Ferdico had telephone conversations with (…) necessary to establish the modalities and times of the meetings which also took place with (…) aimed at defining the agreement on the quantity and price and on the place of delivery”.

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