Meloni's attack on surrogacy: 'A shameful practice, it is not an act of love' – Video

“We will continue to talk about mothers and fathers in a time when we want to deny that a man and a woman are necessary to bring a child into the world.” Giorgia Meloni comes straight from the scene of the Pescara party when she speaks about the practice of surrogacy (Gpa), once again reiterating her intention to make it a universal crime, so that it can be punished in Italy even if it is committed. abroad. After announcing that she will lead her Fratelli d'Italia party in the next European elections on June 8 and 9, the Prime Minister points the finger at “those who feed the rich transnational market which exploits the bodies of poor women while passing all this off as an act of love and freedom.” To make matters worse: “She will never convince us that praising one's uterus is an act of freedom and an act of love, choosing one's children like in front of a supermarket aisle.” GPA – he says again – “is an inhuman and shameful practice which, thanks to the Brothers of Italy, will become a universal crime”.

Source: Vista Agency / Alexandre Yakhnagiev

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