Maturity 2024, everyone loves Caminito: from the first try the track dominates blogs and selfies. And Europe beats the classics of the 20th century

Between selfies, history and reflections on silence, the first test is over. Today, more than 500,000 students begin their high school diploma by taking the Italian exam, putting to the test the skills learned within the confines of the school and, last but not least, under their own pen. As every year, students' choices reflect not only their personal and academic preferences, but also current cultural and social trends. It is indeed no coincidence that the trace taken from Profiles, selfies and blogs by Maurizio Caminito, chosen by 28% of students. This is what emerges from a report from the Ministry of Education and Merit carried out based on a nationally representative survey.

The most popular review

A topical topic, Caminito's text asks us to think critically about how journal writing has changed thanks to the success of blogs and social media. A metamorphosis, the one to which the author refers, which concerns not only the physical form of the newspaper, now digitized and accessible to the public, but also its most intimate and personal essence. An invitation to examine how new forms of writing, which sometimes risk polluting the depth of inner research through the need for approval and visibility, influence our individual and collective identity. On the other hand, in 2024, a trace could not be missing on the world of the web. Which, in fact, turned out to be the most popular, especially in professional institutes where it was encountered by 42.4% of students. However, among the avenues retained by the ministry, a notable absence stands out: that of artificial intelligence.


In second position, with 17.3%, we find “History of Europe” by Galasso, a bulwark against historical amnesia, which has proven its resistance to the attraction of digital trends. In third place, Rediscover silence of Nicoletta Polla-Mattiot with 14.7%. A title that aims to provide insight into the era of TikTok and the continuous media bombardment, offering a deep reflection on silence not as a void, but as a fertile space that becomes a necessary caesura to give respite to language and to thought. The concept of “discretion in speech”, which implies the ability to choose with responsibility and conscience when and how to communicate, therefore appears to be a central theme of this text. Further down and off the podium, but still remarkable, are two literary classics: Operator Serafino Gubbio's notebooks by Pirandello (13.1%) and Rita Levi Montalcini with The praise of imperfection (11.5%). Lower, Pilgrimage by Ungaretti (11.1%) and the reflections of Maria Agostina Cabiddu which only attracted 3.4% of high school graduates. From now on, the students only have to prepare tomorrow for the second written test on the subject chosen in recent months by the ministry.

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