Mattia Lucarelli and Federico Apolloni found guilty of sexual violence: 3 years and 7 months for the rape of the student in Milan

Mattia Lucarelli, son of former striker Cristiano, and Federico Apolloni were sentenced to 3 years and 7 months for sexual violence against a 22-year-old American student. This is what Milan magistrate Roberto Crepaldi decided at the end of the abbreviated trial during which, in addition to the two young footballers from Livorno, three other boys were accused. Lucarelli and Apolloni were placed under house arrest in January 2023. In June they were released.

The violence of which the two defendants are accused dates back to the night of March 26 to 27, 2022, when the group of five boys approached the student in front of a nightclub in Milan. After the meeting, they moved to Lucarelli's apartment, where the girl was allegedly raped. It appears from the toxicological and psychological report of the prosecutor's consultants that the 22-year-old young woman was in a state of “alteration” such that it made her “unconscious”. According to the defense consultants' report, that night the girl was able to express consent.

One of the three other defendants was sentenced to 2 years and 8 months and the other two to 2 years and 5 months. One of the two disputed incidents of sexual violence occurred, according to the judge, with abuse of conditions of inferiority because the victim – against whom a provisional sum of 150 thousand euros was sentenced – had drunk a lot. The reasons for the sentence will be filed in 90 days. The young defendants were present when the verdict was read and immediately left the courtroom stunned.

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