Mattarella lays a wreath in via Fani in memory of Moro and the other victims

46 years after the death of Aldo Moro, Sergio Mattarella laid a wreath in memory of all the victims who fell at the hands of terrorism in Italy. With him, the Presidents of the Chambers, Ignazio La Russa and Lorenzo Fontana, the President of the Constitutional Court, Augusto Barbera and Matteo Piantedosi, Minister of the Interior.

The ceremony, which took place in Via Fani, in Rome, where Moro was kidnapped on March 16, 1978, was celebrated on the day when all of Italy remembers the date on which the statesman's body was been found. On May 9 of the same year, journalist Peppino Impastato was also found killed.

“Today is a date that has deeply marked the memory and conscience of our nation. On May 9, 1978, the body of Aldo Moro, brutally murdered by the Red Brigades, was found in the trunk of a car, in via Caetani, in Rome. On the same day, Peppino Impastato fell into the hands of the mafia,” Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni wrote on official social media.

“And it was May 9, 2021, the day when the beatification of Rosario Livatino, a magistrate killed by Stidda, was proclaimed. A statesman – continued the Prime Minister – a courageous activist and a judge, whose sacrifices cannot must not be forgotten and must not be in vain.

“It is no coincidence that, in 2007, the Italian Parliament established May 9 as the “Day of Remembrance”, dedicated to the memory of all the victims of terrorism and massacres of this type,” Meloni concluded.

The whole day today will be devoted to the celebration of Remembrance Day dedicated to the victims of terrorism and massacres of this type. The Senate of the Republic hosts the ceremony from 11 a.m. this morning with, present in the Chamber of the Palace Madame, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa and the President of the Chamber of Deputies Lorenzo Fontana . Present in the room will be the President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni, the President of the Constitutional Court Augusto Barbera, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani, of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi and of Relations with Parliament Luca Cirian.

The interpretation of the national anthem will be entrusted to the students of the Augusto Righi Scientific High School and the Ennio Quirino Visconti Classical High School in Rome.

The ceremony will be introduced by Silvia Giralucci, president of the Casa della Memoria del Veneto association and daughter of Graziano Giralucci, killed by the Red Brigades in 1974. The President of the Senate La Russa and the President of the Chamber Fontana will then speak. ground.

Immediately afterwards, a Rai video will be shown recalling the episodes that will be remembered later during the ceremony by the families of certain victims of terrorism: Senator Alfredo Bazoli, Franco Sirotti, Piero Mazzola, Caterina Manzo and Roberto Della Rocca. At the end of the ceremony, the plaques will be given to the 3 winning schools of the “Trace di Memoria 2023-2024” competition.

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