Marsilio against Travaglio: “He made a speech on television full of slander: I am taking him to court.” Clash over electoral silence before the vote in Abruzzo

There is a clash between the president of the Abruzzo Region, Marco Marsilio, and the director of the daily Fatto, Marco Travaglio, after the episode of “Accordi & Disaccordi” broadcast yesterday March 9 on Nove. For the center-right presidential candidate from Abruzzo, it is a “sensational and shameful violation of electoral silence”. Marsilio accuses Travaglio of having organized a “rally riddled with slander, closely followed by journalist Andrea Scanzi.” Marsilio then attacks Travaglio: “In particular, Travaglio, a well-known serial defamer who has been convicted several times for this crime, slandered me by describing me, along with my wife, as being the subject of an investigation and conviction at first instance for a crime. crime I never committed and for which I was never investigated or convicted.”

A few hours after the opening of the polling stations in Abruzzo, where voting will take place today March 10 until 11 p.m., Marsilio adds that “we have never seen something like this during a session electoral”. And he announces that he “entrusted my lawyer with the task of protecting me and my wife, both criminally and civilly (as well as reporting the violation of electoral silence to Agcom). Only a few days ago I had denied this false and defamatory news already published by the newspaper “la Notizia” and broadcast for days on social networks, but obviously for Travaglio, media hype has more value than respect of truth and the dignity of people.

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