Male or female? Survey reveals 3.6% of teens don't identify with a gender

Male or female? I don't identify myself.

It was he who chose to respond with the third option. 3.6% from the large sample teenagers who participated in the offshore National survey on adolescent lifestyles who live in Italy, 2024 edition, created by 'Adolescent laboratory And 'Iard Research Institute', with the operational support of Mediatyche Srl, on 3,427 students between 13 and 19 years old, representative of the national territory.

The inclusion of the “I do not identify myself” option in the answers ongender membership expected by the survey it was “a request – explain the authors of the study – that there was advancethrough their teachers, by the same guys, but that we had not accepted for last year's surveys, discouraged by some school management who feared “reactions” from increasingly intrusive parents. This year, we decided to include the option “I do not identify myself” which was chosen by a minority but significantly 3.6%. An option of freedom which seeks, in its own way, to contribute to the return to normal an existing and widespread condition“.

“An important opportunity offered to adolescents and an interesting fact to note – says Piernicola Garofalo, endocrinologist, former president of the Italian Society of Adolescent Medicine – which, probably, comparing similar studies carried out in the United States, still underestimates the reality. Our first interest as doctors and educators must be to give young people (but not only them, obviously) the opportunity to calmly express the perception they have of their identity with all the nuances and uncertainties that characterize this path, to help them and accompany them. “

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