Majority collapses in third term: League amendment rejected, Forza Italia and FdI also vote against

The League has nothing to do with the proposal for a third term for mayors and governors, which it has been defending for weeks. This morning, Matteo Salvini's party withdrew the amendment which requested the possibility of extending the mandate of mayors of large municipalities, those with more than 15 thousand inhabitants. Remaining on the table, the draft amendment for the third term of governors was however rejected at the beginning of the afternoon by the Constitutional Affairs Committee: with votes against not only from the opposition but also from other forces majority, Fratelli d'Italia, Forza Italia. and moderate Noi. In total, 16 votes against, 4 for and one abstention: besides the League, only Italia Viva voted in favor. Rapporteur Alberto Balboni (FdI), on the other hand, expressed a negative opinion on the two amendments proposed by the Northern League. But this morning Salvini did not want to back down, at least on the proposal related to the governors, as the announcement stated. Agora Rai Tre: “Parliament votes, let's move forward. Parliament votes, they won't listen. » This is how the clash of views between the League and the other majority parties, a few hours after the opening of the polling stations for the regional elections in Sardinia, exploded publicly during the votes of the House committee .

Toti: “A surrealist debate”

The president of Liguria, Giovanni Toti, a Fifth morning he warned: “If we do not put order in the third term, we risk having an almost endless conflict between the central government and the Regions in the next two or three years.” “The Constitution provides that the statutes and electoral laws are the exclusive competence of the Regions – added Toti -. I don't know if I would honestly want to serve a third term, we will see if there are the conditions to do so, if it is an advantage for my Region and for my political majority. It is a decision that falls to the territories, to the administrators of the territories and above all to the voters.” According to Toti, the debate on the third term is “surreal”: “When we talk about the subject, it is much simplified. The law on the third term and on everything related to regional presidents was implemented differently depending on the region, in Liguria for example it was not implemented immediately and was partially implemented during the last legislature , Veneto is already fulfilling its third mandate and it could go towards the fourth, other Regions have implemented it.” “The third term in Liguria could still be achieved, I am not saying this out of personal interest, we changed the electoral law in the last legislature and therefore the next one will actually be the second of the new era – concludes the Ligurian. governor -. The Veneto of Zaia is already celebrating its third term.”

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