Mahmood's words: “We need a dialogue, school is fundamental. Young people? More determined to seek deeper purpose in others”

“Words are important. I take three of the most important of this era: people, purpose, planet. Faced with a world that is evolving at high speed and in which we have difficulty finding our way, humans remain the driving force behind the necessary revolutions, but we must take care of everyone, without leaving anyone behind. » These are the words of Mahmood entrusted to Pact4future, an international forum organized by Bocconi University and Corriere della Sera. “Purpose: My generation, and young people in general, are much more committed to seeking deep purpose in what they do and in others. Finally and above all, the planet: it is our first resource, we must take care of it and take care of it.”

“I believe that the message is coming loud and clear – explains the artist – and I see progress. Sometimes I sense a sense of fear among my peers, but greater awareness of such important issues is a decisive and hopeful sign. Among young people, I see values ​​growing like sacrifice to achieve one's goals, to find a job that is also a means of fulfillment. Once again, the importance of being free and leaving freedom, with respect for others. I believe that today we must give more space to young people and to school as a place of growth, integration and improvement. Through songs we overcome challenges, I have often spoken about it.” However, the singer underlines how it is necessary to dialogue more and “the school has a fundamental role, also to help us find a modern language, which affects young people, because listening and discussion are the basis of a new pact for the future.

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