Lecce, 5-year-old girl bitten in her sleep by the family pitbull: emergency operation

A 5-year-old girl was bitten yesterday while sleeping at home in Cutrofiano, in the province of Lecce. The family dog ​​that bit the little girl is a pit bull: it then entered the little girl's room a family member accidentally opened the door and bit her on the head and calf, causing serious injuries. Rushed to the “Cardinal Panico” hospital in Tricase, the little girl was operated on for head and facial injuries, then transferred to the “Dea-Fazzi” in Lecce for further treatment. The little girl is now intubated and under observation, although her life is not in danger. Police are now investigating the incident. The ASL carabinieri and veterinarians have already carried out the first checks of the dog at home and collected the first testimonies from the family and those who were in the house at the time of the attack.

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