Lampedus'amore, the Cristiana Matano international journalism award in the name of human rights

Journalism, human rights, culture, entertainment and debate: these are the underlying elements of Lampedus'Amore-Cristiana Matano International Journalism Award, now in its ninth edition.

The need to continue a complex and exciting path, which has made the island of Pelagia a laboratory and a place of contamination and exchange of ideas, a path traced by the Campanian journalist who died prematurely in 2015 and who is very linked to “this corner of happiness that has the taste of Africa.”

Theater of the event in Piazza Castello and other key locations on the island where, over the years, journalism has been discussed and various celebrities from entertainment and culture have performed.

“Three days of exchanges and dialogues between those who come and those who live in this little corner in the center of the Mediterranean. Three days to remember Cristiana, talk about life, celebrate culture, solidarity and beauty in a symbolic place, which has always offered emotions and lessons of humanity”he said Filippo MulePresident of the Occhiblu association and artistic director of the festival.

Distinguished guest of this year's event Patrick ZakiHis book “Dreams and Illusions of Freedom” has just been published by La Nave di Teseo, in which the Egyptian researcher from the University of Bologna tells his tragic story, after 22 interminable months of imprisonment in Egypt.

“Being here in Lampedusa, after yet another shipwreck with dead and missing people, hurts me” said the activist.

“I follow the news all the time. I believe that no one takes the sea and the risks that come with it lightly, unless they are forced to emigrate because of the difficult conditions in their home country. On the issue of immigration, I know that Italy is working on solutions, but it is not working. We need to find a way to legalise these arrivals. Migrants pay to reach Italy and risk their lives or get into debt and are then forced to work to pay back that money. Behind all this, there are desperate families looking for a chance in another country.”

“My book tells the story of the experience of detention, not necessarily mine, but that of many prisoners detained because of their political opinions or for defending human rights. I believe it is a disease that affects thousands of people around the world who, like me, have had the same experience as me.”

“Today I am well, I am married, I have returned to Italy but I have a very vivid memory of those 22 months and my commitment is in favor of those who do not have a voice to tell adventures like mine.”

Lamepdus'amore, 2023 edition

Lamepdus'amore, 2023 edition

According to the organizers, friends of the journalist from Campania who loved the inclusive spirit of Lampedusa, the moment is important Press Awards. Journalists working in the field of human rights and social solidarity, including at the international level.

The winners of this 2024 edition are Edith Meinhart (Profile)) for the foreign press, Francesca Ghirardelli (Avvenire) for the national press and the web, Laura Bonasera (La7) for national television and Dario Artale ( for the Under 30 category. Prizes are also awarded. excellence of the territory with one eye turned to students who participated in the journalism training course.

The jury is chaired by Riccardo Arena (Giornale di Sicilia) and also composed by Gaspare Borsellino (Italpress); Happy Cavallaro (Corriere della Sera), Raffaella Daino (Sky), Enrico Del Mercato (The Republic), Roberto Gueli (Raï), Xavier Jacobelli (Tuttosport), Francesco Nuccio (Handle), Elvira Terranova (AdnKronos) and Trisha Thomas (Associated Press).

Lamepdus'amore, 2024 edition

Lamepdus'amore, 2024 edition

The rest of the program is intense and varied, the final evening on Sunday is accompanied by the comedy of the famous comedy duo composed of Except Ficarra and Valentino Picone.

For the theater the play “Emigrants”, loosely based on the text of the Polish playwright Slawomir Mrozek, with Marco Landola, Andrea Venditti, Francesca Anna Bellucci and the direction of Massimiliano Bruno. The story tells of Italian emigrations from the end of the 19th century to the 1970s.

For the music: on the scene Simona Molinari, one of the most popular artists of the Italian pop-jazz scene, e Raphael Gualazzi, singer-songwriter who ranges from blues to fusion. There is also room for emerging artists like Catania singer-songwriter Anna Castiglia. On stage to present the evenings Except La Rosa, Elvira Terranova and Marina Turco.

Lampedus' Love 2024

Lampedus' Love 2024

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