kind leadership for the development of new management

Born in the USA and developed by Karyn Ross Kind leadership, translated by “direction sweet”, was imported to Italy by Guido Stratta, founder of the Accademia della Gentilezza. This is a new philosophy/strategy to apply in working relationships based not on hierarchical authoritarianism and excessive competition, but on relationships based on listening, respect and cooperation. The objective is to create a positive working environment which, by improving the well-being of employees, increases the efficiency of the company. Research confirms that the way leaders interact with employees influences workplace behavior and that a healthy environment increases productivity.

The new boss? Luisa Macciocca, professor of organization and development, presents it management

We asked Professor Luisa Macciocca to explain the transition from an authoritarian to a communicative leader. “In the past, leadership was viewed as a relationship of power and control. The only goal was to achieve the company's goals. The notion of boss was linked to terms such as authoritarian, decision-maker and intransigent, today the new manager must be oriented towards collecting and integrating the different points of view of employees. The communication strategy begins with listening. Any long-term relationship is a relationship based on communication and recognition of diversity: a communicative and non-directist approach.

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“To implement the new strategya – continues Professor Macciocca – fundamental is the recognition of the talent of its employees. We must harness everyone’s potential and develop it: the personal advantage of the employee, the valorization of his assets, will flow back to the company. Through communication, even during exploratory conversations, the leader will be able to understand capabilities, extrapolate them and improve them. Recognition of value activates a good climate between employees, what people want is to live in a healthy and non-competitive work context.”

“A risk to consider – continues the teacher questioned – especially in cultural contexts that are not ready to recognize this style of leadership, kindness is not understood by people and is actually mistaken for weakness. The benefits in terms of cohesion, widespread consensus and well-being far outweigh this risk. »

A smile is not enough to implement the direction kind

A polite greeting is a good start, but it's the workspace you place yourself in that creates the real connection. Paolo Boccardelli, professor of management and business strategies at the University LUISexplain that people looking for work attach importance to the inclusive nature of the company which allows them to experience a balanced work-life relationship. If previously the watchword was to encourage competition, today the chief focuses on cooperation. This message must be transmitted from above, through kind words and actions. Be a good chief equals listening to employeespromote them and create a welcoming work environment.

In Italy, the representative of this theory is Guido Stratta who emphasizes its importance to listen without making hasty judgments. “Trust – says Stratta – it is created with the example of effective communication. Workplace conflicts should be managed not vertically, but on an equal and constructive basis. Listening to different points of view will stimulate employee responsibility by giving them the feeling of being part of the same team, combining people’s well-being and financial goals. Kindness is not synonymous with weakness, but with empathy and respect. The basic principles of caring leadership suggest a leader who, like a sports coach, instills team spirit, thereby reducing toxic competition and improving the capabilities of individuals. He does not impose ideas and methods in an authoritarian manner, but guides the team to achieve the objectives. Investigate failures without blaming them, turn them into learning, listen and reward by rewarding results.”

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