“Italy is my greatest moment”

“Coaching Italy is my greatest moment, the best thing that could have happened to me.” Word from Luciano Spalletti less than twenty days before the European Championship. “Wearing blue should not be a burden – he said -. We want Italy to be proud of us”.

The coach is the guest of honor of the ninth Cesarini Prize, dedicated to the goals of the last minutes, goals – precisely – from the Cesarini area. “They gave me this award because I am at the end of my career,” jokes Spalletti, who, like Cesarini – born in Senigallia – has a special relationship with Ancona, where he was coach in 2002. In his memories , the owner at the time, Ermanno Pieroni. “He was a president – he said – with strong emotions, who lived football 26 hours a day. He called me into a difficult situation: everyone thought we were doomed and on the contrary we had a great championship”.

In the national team, Spalletti brought back a real player from Marche like Orsolini, from Rotella, Ascoli Piceno. On the one hand the good season with Bologna, on the other the sadness of the relegation of his Picchio, “a club and a place which deserve more than Serie C”, he says.

Another Serie A player from Marche is Alessandro Gabrielloni, from Jesi, flag of Como, newly promoted to Serie A. “As soon as I can, I go home, I still have my family here, my girlfriend, I talk Jesi again”, jokes the striker who, despite Spalletti's proximity to the theater, still does not think about being called up to the national team: “I just want to do well with my Como”.

In the video report, interviews with national team coach Luciano Spalletti and players Riccardo Orsolini and Alessandro Gabrielloni

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