Israel withdraws Qatar negotiators, Netanyahu: “Hamas' demands are absurd, it's also the fault of the UN resolution”

“Israel will not give in to Hamas’ illusory demands.” The Israeli Prime Minister's office announced the withdrawal of its delegation from negotiations in Doha, Qatar, where a difficult compromise is being attempted to achieve a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. For weeks, even months, negotiations have continued without significant progress, with Hamas continuing to demand an immediate and permanent truce and Israel having no intention of abandoning its military and political objectives. According to the Tel Aviv government, the UN Security Council resolution, which for the first time calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and adopted with the abstention of the United States, has strengthened the position of Hamas to the detriment of the good outcome of the negotiations, encouraging the demands of the Islamist organization. This was said by Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz, explaining that the UN position suggested that international pressure would shift entirely to Israel. And Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office then reiterated: “Hamas' position clearly demonstrates its complete disinterest in a negotiated agreement and demonstrates the damage caused by the Security Council resolution.” The note highlights how Hamas “once again rejected the compromise proposal” put forward by the United States and once again supported its “extreme demands”, namely the cessation of military actions, the complete withdrawal of Italian army in Gaza and therefore the maintenance of the status quo regarding the administration of the Gaza Strip. “Hamas rejected the offers of the United States while it celebrated the vote at the UN”, binds the presidency, “Israel will not respond to the illusory demands of Hamas. We will continue and achieve our war goals: destroy Hamas' military and government capabilities, release all hostages, and ensure that Gaza poses no threat to the Israeli people in the future. » Government sources, reports Haaretzthey indicated that not all Israeli negotiators had been recalled from Doha and that part of the delegation had remained in Qatar: the negotiations for an agreement “did not fail”.

Aid to Gaza, Hamas: “Enough airdrops”

While the impasse persists on the diplomatic level, Hamas authorities have requested the opening of new land routes for access to humanitarian aid by land, and at the same time an end to air drops of containers. According to authorities governing the Gaza Strip, in the past few hours, 12 Palestinians have drowned at sea while trying to recover aid dropped from planes and falling into the sea. And six other people have died in accidents linked to the arrival of emergency services by parachute. Hamas, through the head of the political bureau Ismail Haniyeh, highlighted the extent to which the UN resolution isolates Israel and distances it from international support. “Even though the resolution came late and there may be gaps to fill, the resolution itself indicates that the Israeli occupation suffers from unprecedented political isolation,” he said during of the press conference in Tehran, as reported by a television channel close to Iranian dissidents abroad.

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